Saturday, September 5, 2009


To our dearest Prayer Warriors,

Somebody’s been Praying:
D.L. Moody, the great evangelist of the 1800’s, found himself once in need of a sabbatical. He decided to go away from ministry for a season to Scotland. There he visited a pastor friend of his who asked him to preach at his church. That Sunday something amazing happened… As Moody preached the Spirit of God moved and hundreds, in brokenness, came to receive Christ as Lord. Seeing what was happening, Moody’s friend asked him to stay longer to keep preaching, but Moody couldn’t since he had other engagements in other parts of the country, so he left.

Amazingly, even after Moody was gone, people kept on coming to the church to give their lives to Christ and be saved. Throngs of people kept coming even at night when the church was closed—this went on for a couple of days!

Weeks later Moody came back to town and his friend informed him of what had happened even after he left. Wisely, Moody immediately said to his friend: “Somebody’s been praying! We need to find out who it is…” So they started inquiring around town and, sure enough, they found out about an old, bedridden, woman who couldn’t get out of her house. She considered the church of Moody’s friend her church, though she had never been physically there, just because it was the same denomination that she used to attend in her healthier days. The woman had several years earlier read an article in the paper about Moody and his ministry and she decided to cut the article and stick it in the wall of her praying closet to remind herself to pray for Moody every day, and she did so.

Oh, the faithfulness of the woman who by prayer brought about revival in the lives of so many and the wisdom and humility of Moody to recognized where the power really is—in the Spirit of God moved by the prayers of His saints.

I share this story to encourage you to continue to pray for us and our ministry. We, the missionaries that go, can accomplish very little in the field without the prayer support of missionaries like you who stay behind turning the wheels of the spiritual world through faithful work of intersession..!

* On August 5th we had a very Spirit led meeting with Lysa McMillan in regard to becoming official missionaries of Calvary Ft. Lauderdale—Lysa is Pastor Chet’s assistant with all the Missions Ministry activity at Calvary Ft. Lauderdale. She was going to update Pastor Chet and get back to us. Three weeks later we checked with her and she said “I updated Pastor Chet on our meeting and he has several thoughts and ideas to convey, but I have no specific details as of yet...” We are all trusting this is part of God’s plan.
* We received our first two pledges of monthly financial support that account for 6% of our budget—praise the Lord!
* We gathered all the necessary paperwork and went to the Peruvian Consulate in Miami. Karla, being a Peruvian born citizen, is sponsoring me to become a Peruvian resident and our kids to become Peruvian citizens. This should be ready by the end of the year.
* We set up a booth and officially presented our missions ministry during all services at our home church, Calvary Chapel Ft. Lauderdale-Plantation Campus. We are scheduled to do the same at the Hollywood Campus on September 13th.
* We went to Calvary Chapel Inverness to share our calling with the congregation back on August 30th. This was such a blessing for which we are so grateful. The congregation at Inverness and their leaders were extremely loving and generous with us. They gave us an infusion of encouragement of unspeakable value and are praying about supporting us financially. Thank you Calvary Chapel Inverness..!

Prayer Needs:
* For God’s will to be done in our lives.
* That the life of Christ and His divine humility be revealed in power deep within us to expel the poison of pride from our hearts.
* That we may grow in our ability to cast our cares upon the Lord and trust Him with abandon in all areas of our lives.
* For protection against discouragement.
* Pray for all the items mentioned above in the Developments area, especially for Pastor Chet to hear God’s heart in regard to CC Ft. Lauderdale’s involvement with our ministry.
* For one-time donations toward our moving expenses.
* For monthly financial support for our ministry.

Let Us Know:
As a way of encouragement, please let us know what the Lord’s been stirring in your hearts in regard to your commitment to our ministry. Let us know if you sense a divine calling to pray for our ministry and if you are planning to support us financially, even if you don’t know the amount yet. Don’t assume we already know; you are a tremendous blessing to our hearts when you share these things with us… Remember, with your commitment to support our mission work, whether by prayer or by prayer and financially, you become a part of our missionary team and the exploits of our ministry are also added to your heavenly account..!

May the Lord richly bless you exceedingly abundantly above all you ask or think..!

In His love,
Andres and Karla, Sebastian, Daniel, and Samuel—the Garcia’s.

PS: Make sure to check out the new pictures of our recent activities to your left...